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Congratulations to the High Point Team!

This hot weekend of showing for the High Point Hunter Jumper riders and horses! With temperatures in the mid to high 90's we were all keeping hydrated and as cool as we could while winning classes left and right!

Jessica Daenen took a few of her students to the Georgia International Horse Park for the Elite Show Jumping Hunter Jumper Show. Lindsey rode HPF Freckles and Natalie rode Willow Hill Senna, one of our sale horses. Jessica rode Hypnotiq in his first ever Hunter/Jumper Show.

Lindsey had some great rides with HPF Freckles that earned them a Long Stirrup Ribbon. Natalie and Willow Hill Senna earned a Champion ribbon as well! Hypnotiq did great for his first HUnter/Jumper show. He needs more mileage for consistency, but started his hunter career with 1sts in U/S and jumping.

While Jessica was at the Georgia International Horse Park, Alex Thaxton took a group of students to the Spring Break AAHJA show on Saturday.

Winnie and Cody won their beginner U/S class, and got a 4th in the equitation class. Harper and Joe won 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in junior beginner (only her second time cantering in a show!). Natalie and Anna's Fancy , one of our sale horses, won a 2nd, a couple 3rds and 4ths in flats and the TRM classes. Maddie and Chyna won two 2nds and a 3rd in crossrail hunter, and 4th in crossrail/green rider medal.

Great job, ladies!!!

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Offering horseback riding lessons for dressage, hunters and jumpers near Athens, GA. Horse boarding available near Athens GA. Horses for sale or lease.


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