High Point Farm AAHJA Show - MAY 4th

Our first home Athens Area Hunter Jumper Association show of the season is coming up on May 4th (yes, STAR WARS DAY), at the Academy! Below is the Prize list and online registration link.
Office Fee: $15 each, on-time entry | $20 late entry Classes: $12 each, AAHJA member entry | $15 each, non AAHJA member entry
Entries due by Wednesday, May 1
Friday Schooling (available 3pm-7pm in show arena): $15 per horse
Stalls: $40 per day. Availability is limited, please reserve early.
Please submit online entries or email entries to Alex Thaxton: athaxton13hpf@gmail.com
Closing Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 9pm
Show Information:
Arena Description: 100x200 sand arena (beginner), and 160x250 sand arena with jumping obstacles to simulate those often found in hunt field (hunter).
Points: 1st=10, 2nd=6, 3rd=4, 4th=2, 5th=1, 6th=0.5
Champion=20, Reserve Champion=12
*All horses and ponies must have current negative Coggins
Manager: Alex Thaxton
Hunter Judge: Scott Armour
Beginner Judge: Jordan Schmidt
Steward: Hillary Layer
Announcer: Jackie Byrd
Course Designer: Jessica Daenen
Medic: Lauren Davis
Vet on Call: Countryside | 770.787.4711
Farrier on Call: Chris Brooker | 770.815.5937